This series contains material pertaining to public and private schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions; public libraries; educational facilities and their design; scholarships, fellowships and grants; teacher needs, training and salaries; and teaching methods. In particular, the series includes material pertaining to estimates of education program costs; federal funding of education needs; and suggestions for legislation, specifically the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the International Education Act, and the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967. Other material related to public television concerns its financing and benefits; the Federal Interagency Broadcast Committee; and the use of satellites for international educational television.
The series also contains material concerning the establishment of the White House Fellows and Presidential Scholars programs; the Office of Equal Educational Opportunities and school integration; task forces on child development and on education; and the President's Science Advisory Committee's Panel on Computers in Education. Other materials concern District of Columbia schools and universities; the Reading is FUNdamental project; the National Student Association; the National Teacher Corps; international education efforts, and anti-dropout campaigns.
The series contains memorandums and correspondence between the White House and executive agencies and individuals including the Bureau of the Budget (BOB) and the Office of Education in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). It also includes materials concerning messages to and meetings with students and educators. Other materials include letters, telegrams, press releases, reports, clippings, lists, and publications.